Preparing for Kamp
Kamp Koinonia will take place at the Table in the Wilderness Campground in Centennial, Wyoming.
Your Questions Answered
Find answers to common questions about our camp experience, safety measures, and more.
What should I pack for Kamp?
Packing List:
- Towels (2)
- Flip Flops or Shower Shoes
- Closed-Toe Shoes (Hiking Boots, Tennis Shoes, etc.)
- Shower Items
- A bag to carry shower items
- Sleeping Bag and/or Twin Sheets + Blanket
- Pillow
- Bible
- Notebook with Pen or Pencil
- Light Jacket
- Sweatshirt
- Flashlight
- Bag for Dirty Clothes (Plastic grocery bags will work fine for each day)
- Clothes (T-shirts, jeans, etc. No shorts, please.)
What NOT to bring to Kamp
- NO pets
- NO guns
- NO knives
- NO hatchets
- NO weapons of any kind
- NO drugs (including alcohol)
How old does a camper need to be to attend?
The standard age range for campers is 9-18.
- Campers who are 8 years old may be allowed to attend if approved by the director.
- Campers who are 19 and graduating high school can also attend as a camper.
Are there medical staff available at Kamp?
We have trained staff in medication administration, and several staff members are certified in first aid and CPR to ensure safety and care for everyone at Kamp Koinonia.
Can my child attend if they have dietary restrictions?
Yes, we try to accommodate various dietary needs. Please inform us of any restrictions while filling out your registration form. We will do the best that we can to plan accordingly.
Can I contact my child while they're at Kamp?
Visit the Contact Us page and refer to the section “Contact Us While at Kamp” for details.
Ready to Join the Adventure?
A Day in the Life
7:00 am
Rise AND Shine
Quiet Time – 15 minutes for personal Bible reading, prayer, and reflection
Calesthenics – Light, fun activities
8:00 am
9:30 am
Bible Classes
We have two bible classes with a short break in between.
11:30 am
Singing and Court
After class, we sing for about 15 minutes before court.
What is court? Campers can get tickets for silly things (calling someone the wrong name, wearing the same shirt as another camper, etc.). Campers get “charged” and go before the court.
12:30 pm
Lunch and Rest
1:30 pm
Recreation and Free Time
Recreation – Various activities, including:
- Wednesday: Hike
- Thursday: The Flour War (Capture the Flag with flour bombs)
- Friday: Staff vs. Camper Volleyball
3:30 pm
Reaping Time
This is where the silly “charges” from court are carried out. Campers are given tasks or games in order to get out of the “chair” (water chair, cheese chair, etc.)
4:45 pm
Man2Man and Woman2Woman
Small group discussions, where campers can ask deep questions.
6:00 pm
7:15 pm
Worship through song and scripture
8:15 pm
This changes each night.
- Monday – Scavenger Hunt (Who has the weirdest socks? Longest fingernails?)
- Tuesday – Underground Church (Learn what it would be like if Christianity was illegal.)
- Wednesday – Jewel Hunt (A campground-wide escape room type challenge)
- Thursday – Staff Talent Show (Watch staff embarrass themselves)
- Friday – Camper Talent Show (Also known as The Real Talent Show)
9:45 pm
Campfire Devo
11:00 pm
Lights Out
Kamp Traditions
Scavenger Hunt
We aren’t searching for anything around the campground, we are searching for things like the weirdest socks, the team with the most red heads, or other crazy things.
Underground Church
For a short time, Christianity is “outlawed.” Campers receive a note card with a crucial mission to safeguard it at all costs, leading to countless invaluable lessons.
Jewel Hunt
You are immersed into a fictional storyline, completing challenges to find pieces of the puzzle. When your team gathers all of the required pieces, you compete for the jewels.
The Flour War
Tissues with gluten-free corn flour are rolled to create “bombs.” Blue and Green team then go to war, fighting for their flags. Not to be confused with the “Flour Bomb War.”